Saturday, April 28, 2007

Rising From The Dead...Breaking Out of Isolation's Prison Cell

For the past 7 or so years, I have found myself to in state of oblivion, Purgatory if you will. Seemingly, I have felt stuck, like bugs on fly paper, unable to move from this plane of consciousness to the next. It becomes at times, very to depressing to have lost my 20/20 vision , I had in the mid nineties. Prolifically painting expressionistic creations, it seemed the mind of the universe and my simple mortal mind had a direct link that was never ending. Paintings came out of me, complete in content as well as color blocked in, straight from the mind of God. Daily and sometimes hourly, complete works of art came as visions, without even trying and in one single year I actually ended up with over 100 finished paintings. Looking back I realize that I had actually spoken it with my own words and mouth, into "Being". In the early nineties, tired of being a lowly waitress almost invisible to the people I was serving (unless their food was late or an order wrong) I became dis-enchanted with passing out food for a living, my body on auto-pilot started to feel disconnected to the people who were everywhere around me yet never saw me. Uneducated except for in the food service industry, I felt in my heart that I had more to offer the "human condition" than the mere delivery of hot food on hot plates, on time (This is not to put down anyone whom enjoys and makes a living waiting tables). As I went on my merrily way one day a thought kept coming through my head, at first I blew it off thinking it is as self-talk. The voice continued to speak to me with much authority, and told me that I should begin to tell my fellow waiters and waitresses and anyone else who would listen that I was becoming a great artist and one day they would meet me again and see that It was indeed true, also that I would be selling art all over the world. So I did, convincingly I started telling everyone, "That, I was a Great Artist". This verb age was met with much laughter and the reason being is, first of all I was uneducated in art and didn't even own paints or a paintbrush for that matter.

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