"There was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead, and when she was good she was very very good and, when she was bad she was horrid"Longfellow
A princess was born on Dec 7, 1961! She came into this world on a blustery, northern, ice-filled night. I'm not sure if she was wanted or welcome by both parents, one she knows surely cared and loved her deeply, her father. Upon arrival to her mothers arms, she was turned away by the person who by all means should have been celebrating on that day, the birth of a healthy baby girl. This child can't be mine! the mother said. Please go find my baby! proclaimed the mother, to the nurse holding, a long, light skinned, infant with shoulder length red hair. "She looks like a poor pitiful pearl doll", the mother said as she was handed the child,"And, by the way my husband and I both have brown hair, there is no way this child is mine. I'm sure by now the tiny brand new baby, anticipating the tender love and care of the mother she had listened to daily in the womb, was thinking how could this be happening?
How could the very being that conceived her for the past nine months, reject her at mere sight?
I'm sure the disappointment could be felt by all, mother, child and nurse. The nurse, reassured the mother that this was indeed her newborn babe, encouraging her to embrace the baby so that bonding would occur. On this day of which should have been happy, turned out to be a day of rejection, one of the most hurtful abandonment's of the child's life.
Thank God, there was more than one parent to take the responsibility, and care for this innocent, tender child. The father was elated to see the red hair, very familiar to him, his own mother was a red head and also a brother. On, the arrival home again, the mother proclaimed her rejection, this time by saying she did not know how to care for the baby. The father, took the child in his arms, diapered her tenderly, fed her and loved her, despite of the way she looked. He nurtured the infant, gave her all the love a parent could give the babe, and thus a "Bond" of deep trust, comfort and ease formed between them.
As life moved forward, as it always does, he began to call her his "Princess", he adored the little red headed girl, cherished her with his whole heart, she could feel this sweet unconditional love, and reveled in it. Years past and the bond between the two grew, to greater heights. Every year the birthday parties he threw for her were filled with the fantasies every child would crave, ponies delivered to the house for riding, stage coaches, each year bigger and better than the last. The mother became jealous of the love he showered on her, calling it spoiling the girl, this angered the mother greatly the child could feel it and clung to her father.
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